Causes of Falling Merchandise Accidents

Causes of Falling Merchandise Accidents

Premises Liability Lawyer, Serving All Of SE Massachusetts Including Brockton, East and West Bridgewater, Boston, and Taunton

Most falling merchandise accidents occur in the months of October, November, December and January. Most stores often overstock their shelves during the months leading up to the winter holiday season. December and January are the biggest months in terms of sales for almost every store. These stores are going to do everything they can to maximize sales during this busy season. Sometimes that means overstocking shelves to dangerous levels.

Falling goods/merchandise accidents occur for many reasons, including:

  • Stacking Merchandise Too High: Almost every retail warehouse store stacks merchandise on shelving units that are sometimes 17 feet above floor. Some aisles have large ladders on wheels that allow customers or employees to wheel the ladder over to a desired product on a shelf. The employee or customer then has to climb up on the ladder and carry the product back down the ladder. Merchandise accidents often result under these circumstances. Other times stores aren’t equipped with these ladders or steeping stools and as a result customers have to climb on the shelving units in order to reach the merchandise.
  • Loose Merchandise Not Secured On Shelves: Merchandise is usually stacked freestanding on shelving units. As a result merchandise isn’t secured with bars or any safety restraints. Securing merchandise with netting or fences takes too much manpower, is too costly and makes it difficult to get the merchandise in the customer’s hands fast. This unsecured merchandise is prone to falling off the shelf and landing on customers.
  • Improper Employee Training and Supervision: Oftentimes employees improperly stack large boxes on smaller boxes or heavy boxes on light boxes. The smaller and lighter boxes can cave in causing the boxes to topple over the side of the shelves and land on customers. Shopping carts can bump into the shelving units causing them to shack and sway forcing the improperly stack and unstable merchandise to tip over. Sometimes the merchandise is bigger than the shelving unit. This leaves the merchandise hanging over the edge. This merchandise is also prone to falling if the shelving unit is shook or a customer reaching for it accidentally tips it over while reaching to take it off the shelf.
  • Inadequate Warning Signs: Most customers are struck by falling merchandise without warning. Falling merchandise is the last thing that is on customers minds when they walk into a store. Most customers aren’t aware of the fact that falling merchandise accidents are very common and as a result aren’t on the lookout for falling items and don’t reach for merchandise with as much care and attention as they should.

If You Were Injured By Falling Merchandise, Call Our Experienced Retail Store Accident, Premises Liability Attorneys Today To Schedule a Free Consultation

Throughout the South Shore and all of Massachusetts, our premises liability attorneys at The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan have helped countless clients recover settlements for injuries caused by negligent business owners. Our attorneys aggressively pursue the parties responsible for our client’s injuries and don’t rest until we get our clients financial compensation for past and future medical expenses, lost wages and pain and suffering.

No matter where you are located, we are just a phone call away. Call our attorneys today now to schedule a free no-obligation case review and consultation at (508) 588-0422 and you will have taken your first step to find out how best to confront this important matter. You can also click here to use our Free Case Evaluation Form.