Liquor Liability Laws In Massachusetts

Liquor Liability Laws In Massachusetts

Holding Bars And Restaurants Accountable For Over-Serving Alcohol

If you were injured in a drunk driving accident while an occupant of a motor vehicle or as a pedestrian, and it can be determined that the drunk driver that caused the accident was over-served by a bartender or restaurant, and then allowed to drive home, you may be able to old the restaurant or bar liable for the accident and your injuries.

Massachusetts Liquor Liability or Dram Shop Laws don’t just apply to situations involving drunk driving accidents. Dram Shop establishments (any business that serves alcohol) may also be held liable if they over-serve a patron and that patron commits an assault and battery or other violent crime on another patron. In these situations recovery can be sought against both the intoxicated person that caused the injuries and the business establishment that over-served the intoxicated person.

Massachusetts General Law Chapter 138 section 69 prohibits a commercial business from over-serving a patron alcohol or serving alcohol to a patron that is already intoxicated. Bartenders, waitresses and serves have a responsibility to observe a patron for any visible signs of intoxication before first serving alcohol. A bartender has to be on the lookout for signs of intoxication like slurred or think tongued speech, a heavy odor of alcohol, unbalanced walking or glassy eyes when a new patron enters the bar. If the patron exhibits visible signs of intoxication then a bartender must not serve the patron. In situations where the patron has been at the bar awhile it is the bartender’s responsibility to keep track of the patron’s alcohol intake as well as monitor the patron for visible signs of intoxication.

Great Boston Liquor Liability Lawyers For Plaintiffs

Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has been the victim of a drunk driving accident or an assault and battery caused by a patron that was over-served alcohol at bar or restaurant then call our Massachusetts Liquor Liability Lawyers today. We have taken on the big Boston nightclubs and restaurants and have gotten our clients settlements for their injuries. With offices conveniently located in Quincy, Brockton and Taunton we represent clients throughout all of Southeastern Massachusetts. Call our personal injury attorneys today and schedule a free no-obligation consultation.