Nursing Home Bedsores Causing Death

Nursing Home Bedsores Causing Death

Sometimes a nursing home is liable for your loved one’s injuries and their resulting complications, including death. When a nursing home neglects patient needs, including their medical needs related to bedsores, they may have committed a type of medical malpractice for which you can seek compensation.

If you believe your loved one has died because of complications related to bedsores or other forms of nursing home neglect, contact our nursing home neglect lawyers today for a free consultation.

Bedsores are a serious concern for elderly patients with reduced mobility. Reduced mobility can be due to a medical condition or advanced age. Other times, reduced mobility is the result of nursing home neglect. Patients who are forced to lie or sit in the same position for a long period of time are susceptible to bedsores. Patients that are confined to wheelchairs that do not have properly maintained padding for extended periods of time are especially susceptible as are bedridden residents. Nursing home staff should be aware of these issues and should have proper protocol in place to prevent and address bedsores. When a bedsore does begin to develop, it is important for the nursing home staff treat the matter seriously and follow proper procedure for treating the bedsore.

Federal law requires nursing homes to develop and implement a comprehensive bedsore assessment to ensure that:

  • “A resident who enters the facility without pressure sores does not develop pressure sores unless the individual’s clinical condition demonstrates that they were avoidable; and”
  • “A resident who enters the facility with pressure sores receives necessary treatment to promote healing, prevent infection and prevent new sores from developing.”

Preventing pressure sores from progressing to a Stage 3 or Stage 4 bedsore is the best way to prevent death. If a bedsore reaches Stage 4 it might be too late. Up to 70% of residents with Stage 4 pressure sores die within 180 days and most die within 50 days.

Most bedsores can be healed if they are diagnosed early by nursing home staff and treated properly. That is why nursing homes must perform comprehensive medical assessments on newly admitted residents to determine if they (1) have bedsores at admission (2) have medical conditions that make then likely to develop bedsores in the future. Once a nursing home identifies newly admitted residents that are a high risk of developing pressure ulcers they can take steps to prevent pressure ulcers from developing or quickly identify bedsores and treat them before they progress.

How Might a Nursing Home be Liable for the Death of a Patient?

There are several preventative measures that can be put into place to prevent bedsores from initially forming. These include:

  • Repositioning patients on a regular basis;
  • Ensuring all patients receive adequate nutrition and hydration;
  • Encouraging patients to remain active when possible; and
  • Keeping patients clean and dry on a regular basis;

Simply by being aware of a patient’s needs and fulfilling basic responsibilities such as ensuring patients are bathed regularly, can help nursing home staff identify bedsores at their earliest stages.

What Can You Do if You Suspect a Nursing Home is Liable for a Loved One’s Death?  Call an Experienced Elder Abuse Attorney For Help.

Sometimes a nursing home is liable for your loved one’s injuries and their resulting complications, including death. When a nursing home neglects patient needs, including their medical needs related to bedsores, they may have committed a type of medical malpractice for which you can seek compensation.

If you believe your loved one has suffered a medical condition, amputation, or has died because of complications related to bedsores or other forms of nursing home neglect, contact our experienced and compassionate nursing home abuse lawyers today for a free consultation.

We offer a free, no-obligation legal consultation to help you understand your rights and the value of your case. Our personal injury law firm takes cases involving elder abuse and neglect. We offer legal service to clients in Massachusetts, Rhode Island and New Hampshire.

Massachusetts Wrongful Death Attorneys for Nursing Home Neglect and Abuse Free Consultation. No fee if no recovery.