Causes of SUV Rollovers

Causes of SUV Rollovers

Causes of SUV Rollover Accidents

It is possible for any vehicle to roll over, but certain types of cars and trucks are more prone to rolling over than others due to their size, shape and design. Generally taller, heavier vehicles with a narrow wheel base, like SUVs or passenger vans, are more likely to roll over than your average passenger car because there center of gravity is higher making them top-heavy.

When an SUV or passenger van makes a turn or is forced to swerve, the center of gravity is shifted to one side which throws the vehicle balance out of kilter. The faster the vehicle travels, the faster the center of gravity is forced to one side.

When the center of gravity is forced to one side because of a sharp turn, and then is shifted back to the center of the vehicle as the SUV straightens out, the vehicle can start to sway. That is because when the center of gravity transitions from one side to another and back it creates pendulum type effect, forcing the vehicle’s center of gravity to move from one side of the vehicle back to the other and back causing the vehicle to tip over.

A quick swerve or a long turn along a windy road rarely leads to SUV or passenger van rollovers. Instead, most SUV rollovers are caused when the vehicle “trips” over something when it swerves.  Hitting a manhole cover, sidewalk curb, wall, grass or dirt field or a pothole can be the final straw that causes an SUV to roll over. According to the federal government about 95% of all rollovers occur when vehicles are tripped like this.

Safety Tips For Preventing Rollover Accidents

  • Always wear your seat belts. Seat belts will keep passengers and drivers in their seats. Occupants that wear seat belts won’t be thrown about the inside of the vehicle when it takes to rolling over.  Half of all rollover fatalities are caused when passengers are partially or completely ejected from the vehicle either through a door window or the windshield.
  • Make sure to check your tire pressure. An SUV that has warped tires or low tire pressure is more prone to swaying back and forth and tipping over.
  • Don’t overload an SUV or passenger van. Vehicle manufacturers provide the maximum weight capacity in the owner’s manual. Do not exceed this maximum safe weight or place heavy cargo on the roof or roof racks. This will only make the SUV more top heavy or unstable and more likely to tip or roll over.
  • Be Cautious when driving on back country roads. Seventy five percent of fatal rollovers occur on rural roads with speed limits of 55 mph or more.

Boston / Brockton SUV Accident Victim & Personal Injury Trial Lawyers

Free Consultation – No Fee If No Recovery

SUV and passenger van accidents claims can be very complicated. To get the compensation you deserve after an serious SUV or passenger van rollover accident, you need a skilled attorney. In cases involving the liability on the part of the manufacturer the other side will seek to put the blame on driver error or negligence. In these cases where liability is not in question the insurance company will be more willing to pay you compensation for your injuries.

Our attorneys will thoroughly prepare your case — we will interview any witnesses, and examine the vehicle damage which will help shed light on the circumstances surrounding your accident. Contact our Brockton law office today to speak with one of our experienced SUV and passenger van accident attorneys.