Sexual Abuse by Doctors

Sexual Abuse by Doctors Lawyer MA

Have you experienced sexual abuse in a healthcare setting? Then get in touch with the team of experienced sexual assault lawyers at The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan. We have more than three decades of experience in helping individuals seek maximum compensation for their physical and emotional injuries and will be with you every step of the way as we fight on your behalf to get the justice that you deserve. While nothing will undo the trauma of your experience, working with a skilled personal injury lawyer with a track record of success will give you the confidence that you can move forward with your life.

Understanding Sexual Abuse By a Doctor

Sexual abuse in a medical setting can be broad in scope. In reality, it involves enduring sexual abuse at the hands of anyone who is in a trusted healthcare role, including surgeons, nurses, hospital employees, and doctors. It can also include other patients at the hospital since the healthcare facility has a duty of care to ensure that all patients are safe while on the premises.

Sexual assault can refer to any type of sexual activity that happens without consent. In a hospital setting, this definition can sometimes extend to sexual activity that happens with your content due to the power imbalance between healthcare workers and patients. If you’re unsure whether you have the grounds for a doctor sexual abuse case, then get in touch with a member of our team by calling 1-508-588-0422.

Sexual abuse is a crime, and it’s possible that the individual responsible may be prosecuted by law enforcement. However, individuals can also pursue damages as part of a personal injury case. That means that you can seek financial compensation for damages resulting from the sexual abuse.

Damages a Sexual Assault Lawyer Can Help You Recover

Not everyone who experiences sexual assault in a healthcare environment seeks damages. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one. When you’re making your decision, it’s important to speak with an experienced sexual assault lawyer like those here at The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan. We’ll be able to review your case, explain your legal options, and give a broad outline of timescales and what to expect.

If you do decide to proceed, you may be entitled to significant financial compensation. While it varies from case to case, some of the most common damages that sexual abuse survivors seek include:

  • Medical bills relating to healthcare, therapy, and counseling.
  • Loss of wages and future earning power if the abuse impacted your ability to work.
  • Emotional pain and suffering.
  • Loss of enjoyment of life.
  • And much more.

Sexual abuse by doctors is more common than you might think, but your experience will be unique to you, as will the type of compensation case we put together on your behalf. To get started, give us a call and we’ll begin the process of fighting for justice.

How a Sexual Abuse Lawyer Can Help You

Pursuing compensation for injuries can be a difficult journey regardless of the circumstances, but it’s especially difficult when it’s a sexual abuse case, which is often extremely traumatic for individuals. An experienced sexual abuse lawyer will have the legal proficiency to smoothly navigate the details of putting together a case, while at the same time offering empathy and compassion to the claimant.

From a legal standpoint, a sexual abuse lawyer can help:

  • Gather evidence.
  • Identify witnesses.
  • Put together a strong legal case.
  • Fight for maximum compensation.

Who Should Hire a Doctor Sexual Abuse Lawyer?

If you have experienced sexual abuse in a medical environment, then there’s a high chance that you have grounds for seeking compensation. It’s best to get in touch with us to discuss your options. You don’t necessarily have to be a victim of sexual abuse to file a compensation case, however. Parents of survivors and other family members (if the victim is deceased) can also file a sexual abuse lawsuit.

Contact  The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan Today

Nothing can undo the pain and trauma of experiencing sexual abuse at the hands of someone you were supposed to trust. Receiving financial compensation from the responsible parties goes a long way towards helping you recover. At The Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan, we have extensive experience in helping people fight for justice. We’re aggressive from a legal point of view, and compassionate from a human point of view. When you work with us, you can have confidence that you are working with a law firm that has your best interest at heart — and who won’t stop fighting until we’ve got the result that you’re happy with. To book a free consultation, call 1-508-588-0422.