Author: Law Offices Of Gerald J. Noonan

brockton speeding accident lawyer

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), speeding plays a role in approximately 25 percent of fatal car accidents every year. This sobering statistic can make an even greater impact when you consider this: Speeding accidents are completely preventable. When drivers speed, they put themselves and everybody around them at risk of…

lawyer at desk

Most drivers do not think about getting into an accident every time they get behind the wheel. However, accidents happen more often than most of us want to believe. Despite even the most cautious and careful driving, some accidents are ultimately unavoidable. Anyone who has been involved in a car…

trucks on highway

As we all know, drinking and driving is a deadly combination on the nation’s highways. Even with Massachusetts’s stringent laws against operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol (OUI), 33 percent of accident fatalities in the state involve alcohol impairment. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), Massachusetts’…

Brockton Auto Accident Lawyers

The last thing you want to hear is that a loved one was fatally injured in a car accident. When it happens, in addition to dealing with the loss of a loved one, you will have financial responsibilities to worry about, especially if your loved one was the main breadwinner. Massachusetts…

Brockton Truck Accident Lawyers

Nationwide, large commercial trucks were involved in 4,327 fatal crashes and 344,000 injury-causing crashes in the most recent year for which statistics are available, according to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA). Large commercial trucks are prone to one of the deadliest types of accidents, a jackknife. Jackknife accidents occur…

cyber security

Online privacy is a hot topic in today’s world—and it’s for good reason. Most of us rely on the web to do almost everything. We hop on the computer to pay rent, talk to our friends, relax after a long day, and manage our work emails. It’s almost impossible to…

drivers arguing after car accident

Determining who hit who in a car accident is extremely important. A driver who hits another vehicle or a pedestrian is often at fault for the accident. Police may also cite them for traffic violations. Traffic violations such as failure to yield or driving over the speed limit can also indicate fault….

child playing behind safety gates in front of stairs at home

According to the National Safety Council, over one-third of child injuries and deaths occur at home. While this subject was once a sort of taboo, many child deaths that occurred in the home have been the subject of closer scrutiny in previous years. Recent movements within the parenting sphere, however, have changed…