Plymouth Drug Crimes Lawyer

Plymouth County Drug Crimes Lawyer

When someone faces a conviction for a drug charge, it can impact the rest of their life. It falls on law enforcement and prosecutors to vigorously pursue drug crimes, including initiating searches when possible and pressuring suspects to make incriminating statements. Even if you think you can talk your way out of an investigation into drug crimes, you will often end up offering investigators information they can and will ultimately use against you.

Don’t let a mistake cause you to miss out on employment, housing, education, or financial opportunities. Consult with an experienced Plymouth County drug crime lawyer at the Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan. Our legal team will help guide you through the criminal justice process and protect your rights. We have many years worth of experience in the legal industry. You can feel confident that you and your case are in the right hands.

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Common Drug Crime Cases

In Massachusetts, individuals facing drug crime charges are usually charged with at least one of the following:

Drug paraphernalia is typically any item used to take drugs, package drugs, weigh, or manufacture drugs. Sometimes these items may be innocuous, like a plastic bag.

The most straightforward drug offense is drug possession. Under this charge, the defendant has a controlled substance on their body or in an area under their control. They can have drugs in their vehicle, residence, or storage area.

Drug sales is a charge that occurs when the defendant has a specific high quantity of drugs. Police will automatically assume that they sell or deliver drugs. There are times when the police catch a defendant in the act of selling drugs too.

Prescription drug crimes usually involve simple possession or selling and trafficking, forging a doctor’s signature, doctor shopping, etc.

Finally, drug manufacturing crimes include making or growing controlled substances.

What Are My Rights If I Face Drug Crime Charges?

As the defendant, you have the right to remain silent. You do not have to speak to law enforcement officials or give any statements without a Plymouth County drug crime lawyer present. You also have the right to an attorney who is present during questioning. We know that you may want to cooperate, and while that can be good under some circumstances, other times it is not. You have to protect yourself initially and exercise your rights. You can contact the Law Offices of Gerald J. Noonan for the legal representation you deserve.

Defendants should seriously consider hiring an attorney for conviction of drug crimes. These charges can hurt your freedom and future. After facing arrest for a drug crime, you should hire an attorney who will remain on your side. The Plymouth County drug crime lawyers thoroughly analyze your case, explain your legal options, and offer you the representation you need to fight back.

Massachusetts takes drug enforcement seriously. Some first offenses of unlawful possession can be a felony and may even carry a prison sentence of 1-4 years. First offenses can result in probation and completion of drug education or a rehabilitation program. Gerald J. Noonan’s attorneys have experience representing clients facing all different drug charges. We review your case and charges and then advise you on which options to seek.

Call a Plymouth County Drug Possession Lawyer Today

You might be facing some severe consequences in a drug crimes case. Whether your charges only stem from a small amount of drugs, a conviction can still have a negative impact on your life. Let our Plymouth County drug crimes lawyer defend your rights and protect your freedom.

Contact our law offices to schedule an initial consultation about the charges you face. Plymouth County drug crime lawyers want to secure the best possible outcome for your drug charges. You can learn more when you call us at 1-508-588-0422. We assign a drug crime attorney to you and your case where we see fit and appropriate. Don’t wait to reach out. The moment you have the chance to contact us, take advantage of it. The longer you wait, the more it hurts your claim.

If you visit our website, we also offer a form to fill out and submit. We make the process as least complex for you as possible. We will try to get back to you promptly after receiving and reviewing your case. You don’t deserve to go to the fight alone. Call our experts for guidance and support during your challenging times.

Plymouth Criminal Defense Lawyer